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《钦定武英殿聚珍版程式》是我国古代官方颁布的木活字印刷标准,涉及木活字的材料、加工、质量、管理、制版,以及字体、版式、印刷流程、活字流转使用等内容。该标准是清朝《武英殿聚珍版丛书》大型出版实践的总结,其木活字排版技术与现代印刷排版技术一致,极大地推动了木活字印刷技术在地方和民间的推广以及宋体字的普及。该标准基于水溶性印墨的汉字文化传统和技术条件,由于缺乏金属活字制模、印墨、印刷机械等领域的技术创新,导致了我国古代活字印刷术的衰亡。  相似文献   
文创产品将传统与现代、文化与科技、艺术与商业融为一体,在网络营销中展现出一种全新的价值理念与人物风格,知识产权作为这次转变活动中的核心价值,以更好地保护和利用故宫文化资源为目的。通过对故宫文创产品网络营销模式中出现的知识产权问题进行分析,进而对博物馆行业中文创产品网络营销的知识产权问题提出建议。  相似文献   
张蕊 《技术经济》2020,(12):135
唐代离宫别苑多选择郊外山岳风景地营建,体现自然中现人工的特点,唐华清宫即其中之一。利用考古信息及历史图文与地形图,厘清唐华清宫的整体范围,明确华清宫各景象的具体位置及空间布局,首次尝试绘制唐华清宫总体平面复原示意图;继而分析唐华清宫的营建意匠。指出唐华清宫既继承了隋山水建筑宫苑的特征,也融入了唐代诗画意趣与自然景物融糅的特点,具有较高的历史地位和传承价值。  相似文献   
This essay foregrounds a dimension of Las Vegas that other authors only touch on in passing: its connections to empire. The authors propose a post‐imperial analysis of the city based on a reconstruction of its history and a reading of the traces of this history in the city's architecture and its self‐presentation in American popular culture. This analysis of Las Vegas as ruinopolis draws attention to the ruin sites of the city and its hinterland, reading them through the lens of empire. We work out the imperial territoriality of Las Vegas, including the derelict space of the Las Vegas Paiute Indian Colony, the ‘Pentagon Desert’ around the city with its so‐called ‘national sacrifice zone’, and the Strip, with Caesars Palace. We conclude with a post‐imperial reading of Venturi, Scott Brown and Izenour's canonical Learning from Las Vegas and of the ruin signs of the Neon Boneyard.  相似文献   
Many heritage sites are shared by tourists and local residents, who may have different motivations, preferences and experiences. These common areas offer a setting for understanding how the host and guest populations utilize, interact and perceive a heritage site. Results show that residents and domestic tourists differ in their use patterns but generally share motivations, perceptions and experiences at the Summer Palace. Use conflicts and interplay are examined in relation to their behaviours, perceptions and experiences. Practical implications are generated to inform management and planning decisions for the study site and other heritage sites shared by local users and tourists. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine the mechanisms/channels used for marketing the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), a federal program that provides free, nutritious meals to children during the summer months. This study utilized a multiple-site, exploratory case study design of 16 sites from seven states and Washington, DC. Data were gathered using various methods: conducting structured interviews with SFSP administrators, administering a short survey about the SFSP, and researchers’ observations of mealtime and marketing displays. Utilizing the Process Model for Customer Journey and Experience coding framework, we examined 107 marketing elements of SFSP on the basis of type of promotional mix, purchase phases, and interaction of consumer experience touch point types. Findings suggest SFSPs primarily use paid advertising and public relations as preferred marketing mix channels of SFSPs. Furthermore, findings suggest that SFSPs utilize a variety of promotional mix elements in the preconsumption and consumption phases of the customer journey but not in the postconsumption phase. Findings also revealed SFSP operators favor brand-owned and partner-owned customer touch points in the customer journey.  相似文献   
西湖行宫初创于康熙,兴盛于乾隆,是清帝南巡线路上一座重要的也是目前保存较为完整的行宫。西湖行宫后苑园林体现了我国古典园林成熟期的高超水平,是清代皇家行宫园林的重要例证。以西湖行宫园林为研究对象,梳理其变迁脉络,论证西湖行宫的初创时间为康熙四十二年(1703年),利用古代文献和图像资料对行宫园林的变迁过程进行深入分析,认为雍正时期浙江总督李卫的圣因寺山园开发奠定了乾隆时期“西湖行宫八景”的基础,总结西湖行宫的园林特色表现在因山构园、院落结构与八景题名等方面。  相似文献   
大明宫遗址周边地区现状调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对大明宫周边地区环境现状的调查,在取得量化资料的基础上,分析了存在的问题及原因,提出了大明宫规划建设的建议,为政府进行大明宫周边环境的整治决策提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
This study attempts to integrate the Kano model and importance-performance analysis to explore critical interpretation service elements. This study compares the experiences of Mainland China and Taiwan visitors at a museum and their perceptions of interpretation service quality. The critical elements perceived by Mainland China visitors are “There is easy access to interpretation facilities” and “Interpreters provide services when visitors need them.” The critical elements identified for visitors from Taiwan are “There is easy access to interpretation facilities,” “Interpreters offer services at the right time,” and “What interpreters say is interesting and motivates visitors to learn more.”  相似文献   
为探寻适合中国历史园林植物景观保护修复的理论 与方法,基于相关国际公约前期研究基础,结合颐和园写秋轩 案例的实地调查与史料分析,针对其植物景观空间视域和文化 意境两方面的现存问题,提出了相应的复原依据、保护策略与 思路,同时指出了历史园林中植物景观与建筑保护修复的差异 等问题;最后,总结并探讨了在中国历史文化背景下,适应时 代与自身发展的园林遗产保护思想,以期为我国其他历史园林 保护与修复工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
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